klarna will pay for the burrito, but will it pay the medical bills for the subsequent guacoma
the dumbest part of being a human is our unavoidable compulsion to create and participate in arbitrary popularity contests
a pocket of time stolen for escapism quickly becomes a full scale heist operation
ghost internal links are based
morning and evening walks are superior to afternoon walks
other versions still impressive
lets gooooo
This found every single way to be incorrect and said “lets go for it”
“The Art of War” by Sun Tzu Review
Don’t fight fair, and when you must fight fair, leverage the environment to cheat for you.
With personal libraries, the data that doesnt get stored is as important as data that does. Being selective is an evergreen strategy. Know your library by knowing yourself!
review of “Vector” by Robyn Arianrhod: a frenetic dive into the math of vectors and the history of the people who birthed them. jarring and written like a run on sentence interspersed with algebraic equations. passionate about the subject, but too political.
not bad, but not good either.
my discover weekly has a curse where its only good once every other week
does the internet become more or less romantic when one realizes its just writing and reading from databases at scale?
(only on episode 4/6) i wish apple cider vinegar showed a patient who successfully used modern medicine to treat cancer. a lot of the story is about belles lies, but the doctors dont get to tell their stories
the health of a personal library lies in its ability to perform 4SI on the info of the era to the profit of the person. an unhealthy library fails at some core feature
movies are cheap on tuesday
ive seen these in local bodegas and bougie stores across the city. ive seen very few brands break into all levels of the market like that
(8 Rules of Love Review)
Very skimmable. Not as precise as “Eros & the Bittersweet” (Carson) or “Agony of Eros” (Han). Listicle format unlikely to make you less lonely. But if it does, you’re a better lover than me.
qui-gon jennifer
tier list in order of cross posting (i mostly shitpost)
s: threads, bluesky a: tumblr b: mastodon, pixelfed c: nostr, medium, flickr f: linkedin (but also s tier spiritually)
micro.blog is bringing POSSE back lfgggg